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1st September 2024

Personal Branding

Mentoring Overview

Teaching modules on discovering personal talents can help individuals identify their strengths, passions, and unique abilities. We encourage mentees to embrace curiosity and experimentation to uncover their unique talents. We also challenge mentees to use personal branding to promote and use their talents to serve their community.

Pillar 5 – Personal Branding
1st September 2024

What you will learn:

  • Introduction to Personal Talents
  • Self-Reflection and Self-Awareness
  • Uncovering Hidden Talents
  • The Growth Mindset
  • Identifying Passions
  • Feedback and Perspective
  • Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
  • Exploring Different Domains
  • Strengths-based Approach
  • Passion Projects
  • Overcoming Challenges and Obstacles
  • Finding Support and Mentors
  • Aligning Talents with Purpose
  • Personal Branding and Expression
  • Creating a Personal Talent Development Plan

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